Saturday, February 23, 2008

Good Morning's work

I was working out in the country again. I decided to get a few shots on the trip.

#54 Tower

366 Feb23 011


#122 Orange

I like how all the lines interact

366 Feb23 039


#157 Old

366 Feb23 004


#127 Sky

366 Feb23 037

Friday, February 22, 2008

Another day, another photo (or three)

#8 Innocence

We did a floor in a house out in the country today. They had all these little knick knack things spread out all over. I though this one was kind of cute.

Feb22 072

It portrays the innocence of a child's toy.


#15 Silence

Feb22 055

I think one of the quietest places on earth is in the forest in the winter. Snow covered pine trees seem to kill any noise.


169 Behind Doors

Feb22 001

Never opened them.... we'll never know

Monday, February 18, 2008

Making the jump into Digital

Recently I purchased a digital SLR, a Nikon D40. Not the greatest camera, but in my case it is the perfect camera for now. I'd love a better DSLR, but there is no way I can afford to spend anything more right now.  I used to use Nikon 35mm film cameras, but I stopped doing that a  few years ago when it became too expensive. Now that I have this camera, I am ready to get back into photography. There are so many cool projects online now. I've decided to jump in and get involved in the 366 Pictures project. Rather than rehash the idea and rules, it is better to just get the facts from the source.

Since there are 366 themes, I thought it would be pretty easy to hit a few in a short period of time. I decided that I would not use any current photos. What that means is that since I discovered this project on Friday Feb 15, 2008, I am not going to use anything shot before that date. That being stated,  here is my first 366 picture-

#38- Abandoned-Assingments one 168

This is an old farmhouse a few miles from home. I've driven by it a few dozen times and never noticed it until I had my camera. I love the way the broken boards from the porch look cutting across the doorway.